Protest the Exploitation of the "Wolf Boy"!!! We have become informed of an attempt by Virginia entertainer Thomas Selbit to exploit the suffering of a Romanian-American citizen for entertainment purposes. Bela Lonescu suffers lycanthropia, and it is Selbit's intent to showcase Lonescu as the "Wolf Boy" in the revival of his grandfather's depraved carnival. Go to to protest the suffering of this gentle creature.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cryptid Sighting in Virginia

Photo taken from a "trail" camera at an unknown location. Proof of Bigfoot?

"Wolf Boy" Exploitation Continues

Carnival buffoon Thomas Selbit continues to stoop to ever lower levels of depravity. Here is his latest poster promoting the "Wolf Boy", Bela Lonescu. Lonescu suffers from Lycanthropia, resulting in a "wolf like" appearance. Selbit and his demented carnival, Something Wicked, are exploiting the suffering of Lonescu and planning on putting him on display in the Dinwiddie County Fair this weekend at Virginia Motorsports Park. Go to to learn more about this bizarre excuse for entertainment. You can let them you know your thoughts on their facebook page:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Something Wicked intends to "Parade" Wolf-Boy in County Fair!

Thomas Selbit, promotor for the carnival act Something Wicked, has announced that he intends to flaunt the disfiguration of Bela Lonescu in front of a live audience on Thursday night at the Chesterfield County Fair. A group of deranged Virginians who call themselves the Virginia Casket Cruisers are holding a "hearse" parade, and Something Wicked will be presenting it's abominable combination of a circus steam calliope organ and hearse into the parade.

Like his grandfather, Lonescu suffers from Lycanthropia, the result of which is an unfortunate and uncontrollable growth of facial hair, as well as disfiguration of the nose, lips, and brow. We managed to procure this photo of Lonescu which was taken during a Skype session with Lonescu. The source has asked to remain confidential.

This is just the start of... dare we say it? Something Wicked.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Chinese Lion Mistaken for Dog

Chinese Lion at People's Park of Luohe

The People’s Park of Luohe in the Chinese province Henan has been displaying a Chinese Lion,  which looks very much like a Tibetan Mastiff. The cage was mistakenly labeled "African Lion", and to add to the confusion, Chinese Lions actually make a guttural growl that sounds not unlike a dog bark. Guests were understandably confused, and news stories have been spread about the deliberate intent of the zoo to hoax the public.

Other incidents which added to the confusion are the Chinese Snake, which has an uncanny resemblance to a rodent, and Chinese Leopard, which resembles a white fox.

Chinese Leopard Captures Chinese Snake

Monday, August 12, 2013

Are we reading this right?

Swedish swimmers warned to protect private parts after discovery of notorious exotic fish

Pacu, with teeth designed to crush nuts and fruit, is source of the caution

The article reads:

"Pacus, which are native to South America, are related to piranhas, which have sharper teeth and are notorious for how quickly then can remove flesh from the bones of their prey.
But pacus, which possess teeth that are almost molar-like and are designed for crushing nuts and fruit, boast a reputation for attacking the most sensitive area on the male human body.
Thus, the Natural History Museum of Denmark has issued a warning: “Keep your swimwear on if you’re in bathing in the Sound these days.”

Should they really have put "teeth designed to crush nuts" in a headline about a fish that attacks male anatomy?

I wonder if Pacus would be more useful at Christmas time than these:

Has Thomas Selbit Lost his Head?

We have learned through our sourced that self proclaimed showman Thomas Selbit is stooping to all new levels of depravity. It seems the younger Selbit plans on displaying the mummified head of his grandfather, Dr. T.H. Selbit, during his fall carnival event. But read on my friends, for it gets worse!

Doctor Selbit is reported to have died from a stage illusion gone horribly wrong. Selbit was staging the debut of his latest idea, The Self Decapitated Man, at the Mosque Theater in Richmond Virginia in 1938. (We know. Somehow this reminds us of the saying "Hey y'all, watch THIS!") As it turns out, the promotional poster was only too prophetic.

In a horrific act of carnage before the eyes of a live audience, Selbit managed to sever his own head, thus (thankfully!) ending the life and career of one Thomas Holmes Selbit. The Mosque Theater was sold to the City of Richmond two years later.

Selbit's body, (sans head) was buried in a family mausoleum in Dinwiddie County just outside of Petersburg, Virginia. But apparently his grandson, Thomas Selbit, not only has kept his grandfather's head, but is planning something truly ghastly.

His fall sideshow act, "Something Wicked", will employ a medium of reported gypsy background, Madam Maleva, to contact the spirit of Doctor Selbit before the eyes of a live audience, allowing audience members to ask a question of the deceased showman. Reportedly, this sideshow act, "Madam Maleva Asks Doctor Selbit", will result in an answer from the departed doctor. We are beginning to fully understand why this travesty passing for entertainment is called "Something Wicked".

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Finding Bigfoot is no Game

Spike TV is launching a new "reality" show, the "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty"

There are so many things wrong with this concept, not the least of which the word "bounty" implies that the Sasquatch are criminals. Somehow, we see this endeavor turning out like this:

We are certain this violates our constitutional right not to be offended, and are contacting our lawyers.